Sunday, January 2, 2011

What is my medicine and how does it taste?

First of all, in the off chance that anyone might happen upon this blog within the next few days, Happy New Year. To those who happen upon it much later, hope your year is still happy.

I'm not much of a blogger, though I've attempted it in the past. But this time is (hopefully) different. This time, I actually have an idea that seems worthy of follow-through. And if I actually go through with this, even if no one ever reads it, at least I will be a better person for it. And if you are reading this, maybe it makes a difference (hopefully a positive one) for you too.

A little background- At 22, I finished college and signed up for a 6 year doctoral program in clinical psychology. That same year, I met the guy who I said "I do" to when I was 25. At 29, I walked across a stage and someone in a fancy robe gave me a piece of paper that spelled my name with a Ph.D. at the end, which took me a while to trust (until my first student loan bill came). Half a year later, my husband and I welcomed our first (and so far only) child. Its now 2 years later and I have chosen the long road to licensure since I spend most of my days at home with a toddler who keeps me very busy, giggly, grey-haired, etc., etc. A couple days a week, I work with kids and families- some in their homes and some in my office- providing psychotherapy that addresses everything from attachment issues to pervasive developmental disorders. Because I work mostly with kids, I also work a lot with grown-ups (the kids' parents), so there's inevitably more on the table than meets the eye. And I am the one entrusted to help. Gulp.

So, here's the plan: Because I have always wondered how effective my recommendations and interventions are, I am gonna try them out myself. I will, in essence, taste my own medicine everyday for the next year. I like to think of it as 52 weeks to a healthier mind, healthier relationships, and a better-working, more connected self. It'll be my journey, but you're welcome to join me if you'd like, and then it will be our journey. Wow... so existential. And what better day to start than 1/1/11? Well, I guess its now 1/2/11... didn't quite make it before midnight. Oops. Gotta post when I can with a little kiddo around.

And that brings up one more thought- motherhood has contributed to most of my learning, so some of this journey will be dedicated to navigating a better mind through the highs and lows of parenting... cuz we all know how that goes!

So, here we go....


  1. Here's hoping your future blogs are posted earlier in the night... ;-)

  2. Well, if all goes according to plan, I will have no other choice than to post my blogs a lot earlier. Here's to earlier bedtimes and more sanity!
