Thursday, February 17, 2011


On Sunday night, Lady Gaga, not to be outdone by her "normally" clad music industry cronies, arrived in an prenatal chariot-of-sorts. As I was watching, thinking "huh?!", and trying to contain my laughter, all I heard about from musical analysts (ok, Seacrest being one of them) was how brilliant the woman is. Ok- if that's all it takes, my toddler's IQ must be through the roof. She is constantly crawling in cocoon-like structures, requesting me to transport her from room to room. AND, if you put her and Gaga in the same contest for most creative/artistic/out-there wardrobe, my daughter would win every time. Which begs the argument that perhaps Lady G. is channeling her innermost toddler. Meanwhile, skeptics across the globe are either totally flabberghasted or calling her a genius. As for me and my household... we're not gonna overthink this one... a 2 year-old in a 20-something body... ok, with some pretty catchy tunes and interesting dance moves. Not that I have anything against the Gagas of the world or 2 year-olds... I really do love both populations. I'm just sayin'.

That's all I got for now. Really nothing mental-health related, unless you wanna qualify it as such, which probably can easily be done.

And by the way, as you can tell from the ungodly hour this is posted, I am not doing good on my sleep routine lately, but mostly because children with colds and fevers don't sleep that well... and neither do their mommies. And also partly because Bravo has too many addicting reality shows. I highly recommend Tabatha's Takeover, if you're looking for more mindless stuff to rot your brain. Its actually more inspiring than most reality shows, though, especially if your standard is Jersey Shores.

1 comment:

  1. LOL too funny
    "is constantly crawling in cocoon-like structures, requesting me to transport her from room to room" this made be actually laugh out loud
    Hope your kiddo feels better soon and you get some sleep
    I am in the same boat
